ID Sessions
ID Sessions
Outside of scheduled tryouts, SCA welcomes prospective players who are not registered with another club to come join us at training for an ID Session to see if the club may be a good fit. During an ID Session, your player will train with their age group, with current SCA players and an SCA coach. We recommend coming to multiple trainings to get the best feel for the club. Please email for more information.
This is not the registration for tryouts.
Disclosure: To stay compliant with OYSA rules, if your player is already registered with a club, please reach out to your current club to notify them about your intentions to attend an ID session. Once registered, our administrative staff will also notify the home club of player interest and maintain complete transparency in this process. No follow-up communication will be able to happen without expressed permission from the home club.
Registration Tip!
If you currently have a team account via Playmetrics, please log out prior to clicking the registration link for your desired program. You will then be able to register for a new, unique account in the SCA Playmetrics portal.
If you’d like to know more about any of our programs, please email us at