SCA Featured Players

Rowan Martin

🎙️Rowan: All of my success now goes back to my time at SCA. Joe, Dan, the players, the environment have all had a big impact on me as a player and as a person. The club helped me fall in love with the game and love having the ball at my feet. I learned to play free, brave, take risks, be creative, and have confidence in my abilities. I will always remember my time at the club and will be forever grateful for what they have done for me.

🎙️Matt: Rowan chose to play at SCA the first year the club arrived in Portland, he had only played futsal up to that point. He attended tryouts at several clubs and we prioritized letting him make this choice for himself – we are so glad he chose SCA. His coaches, Joe Smith and Dan Ferguson, truly supported the kids’ growth, as players and young people, over winning. What else can you ask for as a parent? Rowan is in a highly competitive environment now, where winning matters more than previously. We are very grateful when we see Rowan continuing to take risks, as a player and person, and are reminded that he chose this path for himself on a field on the outskirts of Portland at a club with a unique value system. We have moved away, but when we have returned to visit and I’ve watched Rowan walk onto that field, I have to say it puts a very special feeling in my heart. Ben, Joe, Dan and Ricky – we feel so fortunate for our son that you had this idea and for all of you to see it continue to grow.