SCA Tryouts
Tryouts Beginning May 12, 2025
Sign ups Coming Soon
When are tryouts?
May 12-May 15
Times by birth year:
2018-2013 4:30-5:50pm
2012-2010 6-7:20pm
2009-2006 7:30-9pm
How much is it to try out?
$50, Non-refundable
How soon after tryouts will I get a result?
You will hear from us either way, if you have an offer on a team or not, within 48 hours from the last tryout day.
Do I need to attend all 4 days of tryouts?
We understand that you may want to try out at multiple clubs during this tryout week. We hope that you can attend at least 2 out of the 4 tryout days. You are welcome to attend all 4 days.
How long is the commitment after I accept a team placement?
All of our player contracts, regardless of age, are a one year commitment when you join in May. The contact ends at the end of the following spring season.
I am going to be gone most of the summer. Can I get my tuition prorated?
No, unfortunately we do not prorate or adjust tuition fees for vacations or time off. Our tuition is a set price, and we allow monthly payments for convenience for our families.
If you know you will be gone, and you want to accept your spot, we will gladly hold your place on the team for you while you travel. You will still pay the same tuition. If you do not want to pay for the time you are away, you may email us at when you return, and we will try to find a place for you on one of our teams- though this is not guaranteed.
Do you offer financial aid?
Yes! We do. Once you get your team placement offer, you can accept the team placement and choose the “Financial Aid Application” payment option. This payment option requires a $50 payment to save your spot, and allows you to complete the team acceptance. After you have accepted you will be able to complete the Financial Aid Application and submit the required documents.
We try very hard to get through all of the financial aid applications within 48 hours. If you are not happy with the aid package that we can offer you, you will be refunded the $50 fee and you will not be registered at the club.
I am a returning SCA player, do I need to try out also?
Yes, we would like to see all new and returning players together at tryouts. All players are required to pay the tryout fee.
Can I pay my tryout fee in cash?
No- please register and sign up via the web link.
Where will tryouts take place?
All tryouts will take place at Portland Adventist Academy. 1500 SE 96th Ave. Portland
Registration Tip!
If you currently have a differnt team account via Playmetrics, please log out prior to clicking the registration link for your desired program. You will then be able to register for a new, unique Playmetrics account in the SCA Camps and Trainings portal.
If you’d like to know more about any of our programs, please email us at